§ 1 Name, Domicile, Legal Status
1) The foundation is called audan kunststiftung.2) The foundation has legal capacity under Civil Law and is based in Berlin.
§ 2 Purpose of the foundation
1) The purpose of the foundation is the promotion of art and culture, education and international understanding. The foundation grants scholarships to young people and their projects within the fine arts. It focuses on the exchange between Germany and Eastern European countries with the aim to foster the encounter and understanding of young people across different cultures. The foundation may both fund and execute projects in Germany and internationally.The foundation exists for an indefinite period of time.
§ 3 Common Benefit
1) The foundation solely and directly pursues objectives of common benefit according to the regulation about „Steuerbegünstigte Zwecke” (tax-privileged purpose) of the German fiscal code....
audan kunststiftung was established by Joachim Bentrup with the approval of the „Senator für Justiz Berlin” in 2009.